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Scientific name: Crotalus tigris


The average size of a mature Tiger Rattlesnake is 1.5 - 2.5 feet in length, with some getting as large as 3 feet.


The Tiger Rattlesnake is a relatively small snake. The body of the snake is brown, grey, or sometimes pinkish-grey. The snake is marked by many grey or brown crossbands. These crossbands are made up of many poorly defined dots. The end of the tail has a rattle on it.

The Tiger Rattlesnake has elliptical pupils that look like cat's eyes and like all pit vipers, has a heat-sensing pit between the nostril and eye on each side of its head. The head of the Tiger Rattlesnake is triangular and slightly larger than the body.


In the United States, the Tiger Rattlesnake is found only in Arizona.
Map of US states the Tiger Rattlesnake is found in.
Map does not show area of true distribution, only the states in which there is a population.
Actual distribution in any highlighted state may be limited.

Tiger Rattlesnake
Photo used by permission:
© 2001 Jeff Miller

Tiger Rattlesnake
Photo used by permission:
© 2007 Andreas Kettenburg

Tiger Rattlesnake
Photo used by permission:
© 2007 Andreas Kettenburg

Tiger Rattlesnake Head
Photo used by permission:
© 2011 Wolfgang Wuster

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